

  Lookup value Description
# Active The listing is on market and an offer has not been accepted.
# Canceled The listing contract has been terminated.
# Closed The purchase agreement has been fulfilled or the lease agreement has been executed.
# Coming Soon This is a listing that has not yet been on market but will be on market soon. A listing contract has been executed. Some systems may use Hold or Withdrawn for similar purposes. When all three are in use, Hold expresses a listing that may have been on market but is off market temporarily and is expected to return to market. Withdrawn may have been on market but, when used in conjunction with Hold, is not expected to return to market. Coming Soon is different from Hold and Withdrawn, as the property, under the current listing contract only, has not been previously on market.
# Delete The listing contract was never valid or there is another reason for the contract to be nullified.
# Expired The listing contract has expired.
# Hold A contract exists between the seller and the listing member. The listing may be completely off market, not allowing any showings and/or not taking any further offers. For systems that don’t use Hold, Withdrawn is a similar status that may be in use. When both Hold and Withdrawn are in use, Withdrawn may be used to indicate a greater certainty that the listing will not come back on market.
# Incomplete The listing has not yet been completely entered and is not yet published in the MLS.
# Pending An offer has been accepted and the listing is no longer on market.
# Withdrawn The listing has been withdrawn from the market, but a contract still exists between the seller and the listing member. For those systems that use both Hold and Withdrawn, Withdrawn may represent an intention not to bring the listing back on the market. When Hold is not used by the system, Withdrawn does not represent any intention of returning to market or not.