This resource supports translations.
Field name | Description | |
# | AgencyMlsId | |
# | EntityEventSequence | |
# | FranchiseAffiliation | The name of the franchise to which the broker/office is contracted. |
# | MainOfficeKey | The OfficeKey of the main office in a firm/company of offices. This is a self-referencing foreign key relating to this resource’s OfficeKey. This key may be the same value as the OfficeKey for a given record if the given office is the main office. |
# | MainOfficeMlsId | The OfficeMlsId of the main office in a firm/company of offices. |
# | ModificationTimestamp | The date/time the roster (member or office) record was last modified. |
# | OfficeAddress1 | The street number, direction, name and suffix of the office. |
# | OfficeAddress2 | The unit/suite number of the office. |
# | OfficeAssociationKey | A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the string key and the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. |
# | OfficeBranchName | |
# | OfficeBranchType | The level of the office in a hierarchy (i.e., Main, Branch, Stand-Alone, etc.). See also OfficeBranchType |
# | OfficeBrokerKey | The MemberKey of the responsible/owning broker. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource’s MemberKey. |
# | OfficeBrokerMlsId | The MemberMlsId of the responsible/owning broker. |
# | OfficeCity | The city of the office. |
# | OfficeCorporateLicense | An independent license number is issued when an office/firm is a corporation. |
# | OfficeCorporateLicenseType | See also OfficeCorporateLicenseType |
# | OfficeCountry | The office’s country code for the street address. |
# | OfficeCrmId | |
# | OfficeEmail | The email address of the office |
# | OfficeFax | North American 10-digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. |
# | OfficeFullName | |
# | OfficeKey | A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the key is the system unique identifier from the system where the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. |
# | OfficeManagerKey | The lead office manager for the given office. This is a foreign key relating to the Member Resource’s MemberKey. |
# | OfficeManagerMlsId | The lead office manager for the given office. |
# | OfficeMlsId | The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, and it should be the identifier from the original system. |
# | OfficeName | The legal name of the brokerage. |
# | OfficeNationalAssociationId | The national association ID of the office (e.g., the NRDS number in the U.S.). |
# | OfficePhone | North American 10-digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. |
# | OfficePhoneExt | The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). |
# | OfficePostalCode | The postal code of the office. |
# | OfficeStateOrProvince | The state or province in which the office is located. See also StateOrProvince |
# | OfficeStatus | Indicates whether the office is active, inactive or under disciplinary action. See also OfficeStatus |
# | OfficeStreetName | |
# | OfficeStreetNumber | |
# | OfficeType | The type of business conducted by the office (e.g., Appraisal, MLS, Mortgage). See also OfficeType |
# | OriginalEntryTimestamp | The date/time the roster (member or office) record was originally input into the source system. |
# | OriginatingSystemID | The RESO Unique Organization Identifier (UOI) OrganizationUniqueId of the originating record provider. The originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record (e.g., the name of the MLS where caravan stops were input). In cases where the originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. |
# | OriginatingSystemName | The name of the originating system from which this data is derived from. |
# | OriginatingSystemOfficeKey | The system key, a unique record identifier, from the originating system. The originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record (e.g., the MLS where the office was input). There may be cases where the source system (how the record was received) is not the originating system. See Source System Office Key for more information. |
# | SourceSystemResourceVersion | |
# | SubFranchiseOfficeKey | A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the string key and the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. |
# | BoughtAgentOfficeProperties | This is a navigation field. |
# | BoughtListings | This is a navigation field. |
# | BranchMainOffices | This is a navigation field. |
# | BranchOffices | This is a navigation field. |
# | CoBoughtListings | This is a navigation field. |
# | CoListedProperties | This is a navigation field. |
# | ListedAgentOfficeProperties | This is a navigation field. |
# | ListedProperties | This is a navigation field. |
# | MainOffice | The main office for the Office record. This is a navigation field. |
# | Media | The media for the Office record. This is a navigation field. |
# | Members | This is a navigation field. |
# | OfficeAssociation | This is a navigation field. |
# | OfficeBroker | The broker for the office. This is a navigation field. |
# | OfficeManager | The office manager for the office. This is a navigation field. |
# | OfficeSocialMedia | A collection of the types of social media fields available for this office. The collection includes the type of system and other details relating to social media. This is a navigation field. |
# | OtherPhones | This is a navigation field. |
# | SubFranchiseOffice | This is a navigation field. |
# | Translations | This is a navigation field. |