This resource supports translations.
All dollar amounts are in Canadian Dollar (CAD).
Field name | Description | |
# | ListingId | The foreign ID relating to the Property Resource; the well-known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple-originating or merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. |
# | ListingKey | The foreign key relating to the Property Resource; a unique identifier for this record from the immediate source; a string that can include a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or other forms. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see the Property Resource’s SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. |
# | ModificationTimestamp | The date/time the PropertyUnitTypes record was last modified. |
# | Order | |
# | UnitTypeCurrentUse | See also CurrentOrPossibleUse |
# | UnitTypeKey | A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or other forms. This is the local key of the system. |
# | UnitTypeMlsId | |
# | UnitTypeMlsSubType | |
# | UnitTypeMlsType | |
# | UnitTypeMonthlyGrossIncome | |
# | UnitTypeMonthlyGrossScheduledIncome | |
# | UnitTypeTotalRent | The total actual rent is the sum of all rent being collected for all units of the given type. For example, if you had five units of a particular type, each collecting $1,000, the total actual rent would be $5,000. |
# | UnitTypeType | A list of possible unit types (e.g., 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom, 3 Bedroom, Studio, Loft). See also UnitTypeType |
# | UnitTypeTypeOther | |
# | UnitTypeUnitsLeasedTotal | |
# | UnitTypeUnitsTotal | The total number of units of the given type. |
# | UnitTypeUnitsVacantTotal | |
# | Listing | The listing associated with the PropertyUnitTypes record. This is a navigation field. |
# | Translations | This is a navigation field. |