Migration guide - SIIQ 4.2a
Before reading this migration guide, make sure to read the Getting Started.
This document is a reference to compare previous data mappings with new ones.
Office and member information
If you change the extension of a given file to CSV (e.g. Bureaux.txt to Bureaux.csv) and open it with a software such as Microsoft Excel, you should see matching columns for each field (A, B, C, etc.).
Office (Bureaux)
Now part of the Office resource.
Before | After | Comments | |
A | CODE | OfficeKey | |
B | FIRME_CODE | AgencyMlsId | |
C | NOM_LEGAL | OfficeBranchName | See also OfficeFullName |
D | NO_CIVIQUE | OfficeStreetNumber | See also OfficeAddress1 |
E | NOM_RUE | OfficeStreetName | See also OfficeAddress1 |
F | BUREAU | OfficeAddress2 | |
G | MUNICIPALITE | OfficeCity | |
H | PROVINCE | OfficeStateOrProvince | |
I | CODE_POSTAL | OfficePostalCode | |
J | TELEPHONE_1 | OfficePhone | |
K | POSTE_1 | OfficePhoneExt | |
L | TELEPHONE_2 | OtherPhones(OtherPhoneType = Second).OtherPhoneNumber | Using the $expand operator |
M | POSTE_2 | OtherPhones(OtherPhoneType = Second).OtherPhoneExt | Using the $expand operator |
N | TELEPHONE_FAX | OfficeFax | |
O | COURRIEL | OfficeEmail | |
P | SITE_WEB | OfficeSocialMedia(SocialMediaType = Website).SocialMediaUrlOrId | Using the $expand operator |
Q | DIRECTEUR_CODE | OfficeManagerKey | The value may be different from what you currently have. |
R | URL_LOGO_BUREAU | Media(MediaCategory = OfficeLogo).MediaURL | Using the $expand operator |
Office (Firmes)
Now part of the Office resource.
Before | After | Comments | |
A | CODE | OfficeKey | |
B | NOM_LEGAL | OfficeName | See also OfficeFullName |
C | NO_CERTIFICAT | OfficeCorporateLicense | |
D | TYPE_CERTIFICAT | OfficeCorporateLicenseType | |
E | BANNIERE_CODE | FranchiseAffiliation | |
F | FIRME_PRINCIPALE | MainOfficeKey | |
G | COURTIER_CODE | OfficeBrokerKey | The value may be different from what you currently have. |
Member (Membres)
Now part of the Member resource.
SocialMedia (Membres Médias Sociaux)
Now part of the SocialMedia resource, also accessible via Member.MemberSocialMedia.
Before | After | Comments | |
A | MEMBRE_CODE | ResourceRecordKey | The ResourceName will be Member |
B | TYPE_MEDIA_SOCIAL | SocialMediaType | |
C | LIEN_MEDIA_SOCIAL | SocialMediaUrlOrId |